The Healing Art of Acupuncture
In use for more than four centuries, acupuncture uses small filliform(solid), single use, sterile, disposable needles in order to achieve a specific health goal. Â Acupuncture is based on "meridian theory", that there are lines of energy mapping the human body. When this energy known as "Qi", is not able to flow properly "dis-ease" is the result. The points along these lines allows us to adjust that flow of energy and stimulate the body's natural ability to heal itself and return to normal.
Personalized Acupuncture Care
Each treatment we administer is specially designed to each individual patient.
This is not one size fits all medicine, it's an individual treatment plan to achieve each patient's specific goals whether it is prevention of illness, physical or mental trauma or stress, or an internal issue. We work together with each patient along their personal healthcare journey.
Benefits of Acupuncture
Connect Now
For your convenience, acupuncture services are available at multiple office locations. Whether seeking relief from a specific ailment or looking to enhance overall health, clients can trust The Body Result for professional and compassionate care. Get in touch with us today to schedule an appointment.